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Always remember to be patient and play solid hands. You have most likely heard the miracle stories about sheep sensing stuff before it happens, or animals acting weird or behaving weird before major events happen. Your gut feeling or intuition can be your best friend if you trust in it, trust it and listen to it.
If you are a player that doesn't get caught in bluffs early on, it makes it that much easier to bluff a win once the pot is larger in the later rounds.
HOW TO WIN TEXAS HOLDEM POKER ....minutes to learn, life time to master. If I told you every critical decision in casino poker was actually an easy decision would you believe me? For the majority of people they will never be able to tap into there gut feeling or will never be able to know when they hear it or feel it, this is because in order to hear and listen your gut feeling you need to have balance in your mind and body, you need to have emotional control over yourself, you need to be in touch with your feelings. Bluffing, this is a big part of the game.
The more players at the table, the riskier it is to go all-in. Your mind is a powerful database more powerful then any computer and has a hard drive that stores every hand you play, every bet that people make, every situation that happens. Otherwise with your raise, a tight player will put you on a higher hand, fold and wait until their hand comes along. Most people that are unsuccessful are the ones that like to play every hand and chase cards.
This is not to say that you shouldn't think about decisions or problems and should just do what your first 6th sense is, because evaluation is an important and critical part of the decision making process. Going over all the variables presented to you to come up with a conclusion. Get an understanding of how the other players at the table are playing, loose.tight?
Your intuition isn't the solution to all your problems and your gut feeling isn't always right, just because your gut feeling isn't always right it's not correct to stop listening to it, you need to understand that your gut feeling is the best tool that will help your more times then not, so listen to it unconditionally. This is important to know because the person playing loose is very hard to bet out of a hand and the players that are tight usually only play when they have a monster hand. Being able to hear and listen to your gut feeling can become a very powerful tool in your texas holdem playing, you have to listen to your gut though, the first instinct or thought you have is usually always the correct decision. Watch how players are betting and remember that, so if it comes to a show down and cards are turned over, you'll get a good read on their betting style. Your 6th sense is that first feeling you get, the majority of people never believe or trust in there 6th sense and dismiss the feeling as just a thought and then think more and end up with no real confident answer or decision. Probably not, but if you believe in your inner self and have inner balance and control then you can hear and listen to your gut feeling and follow through with your gut feeling.
Here again, you need to get a feel on others texas holdem playing styles in order to get a read on them to determine if it is a bluff or strong hand. Be cautious to what the board gives you, does it give other players an opportunity at a straight or flush? So practice listening to your self, identify when your gut tells you something and believe in it and use it in life, use it on the Online+Poker tables.
a couple things I suggest, if its early in a game wait to see a flop.
A Thought to play by; it's always better to rake a small pot than to lose a big poker pot. He's probably laid back, never really worried or never panics just always seems so sure. Later in the game and with less players, pocket pairs increase in strength, because you are not on a draw, unless someone else has a pocket pair that is higher than yours.
Did they bet on the flop, turn and river, or slow play their hand? So your gut feeling is usually what the mind feels based on your database of similar poker online situations. Be selective on the hands you play and you will increase your odds greatly. Stand up for a minute, sit out a hand, get your thoughts together, put it behind you and get re-focused. We all take bad beats or fold a winning hand, it's a part of the game, but if you get upset or go on tilt, you will not win! Wait until you see the flop and then if you pocket pair is higher than the board, bet aggressively and see how others react. If you do get caught early and often, texas holdemplayers are more than likely to call your bets and get tells that you may not know you have. They don't have time to thoroughly think things through or contemplate, they feel there gut trust it and react on it.
What I mean here is; did they have a made hand or were they on a draw? A tight player generally only plays the "nuts" early on, but then they know you have a read on them and their style of play, so in the later rounds they try stealing the pot with a big bet. So evaluation is important and should be done, but you should be able to feel your first natural instinct and let it play a major role in your decision making process. This is because animals rely on intuition, they trust and rely on instinct for survival.