On Sun., Nov. 30th the CBS network will air their special “How Online Gamblers Unmasked Cheaters”. This special investigation show was created after a 16-week research into the online Texas Hold’em industry and particularly a cheating scandal involving the online Texas Hold’em webpage Absolute Poker.
This Texas Hold’em poker webpage was inspected after some of the poker players on the webpage said that a poker player was unlawfully winning a large amount of cash. Todd Witteles was a key witness in this inquiry, according to him; he was losing incredibly large amounts of poker chips to the very same Texas Hold’em poker player. Witteles stated that this man was raising against awfully good cards, the majority of people would have presumed he was basically giving his money to the other players, but he was in reality winning many poker hands.
Witteles was quite correct in his assumptions, later on it was discovered that a poker player with knowledge of the site was able to see everyone´s hole cards. With the first look, Absolute Poker stated that there were no faults with the website or the poker player. After numerous players presented the site with accusations, the Texas Hold’em website looked further into the issue and discovered the cheater.
Around January of this year, the KGC discovered what the poker players and the Texas Hold’em poker site had supposed all along. It was eventually shown that, there was an employee who had attacked the Texas Hold’em webpage’s security and was playing poker illegitimately for approximately a month and a half. The examination proved that the poker webpage had not profited from the unlawful activities by any means, and was positively not implicated.
These issues are further testimony that there must be more rules regarding gambling pages. The U.S. government ought to authorize and control the online poker industry to defend these honorable customers. These rules would also regulate the admission to these sites by children, which is turning into another fear recently.