Like most beginning players, I let my ego rule my bankroll/number of tables selections. I immediately jumped into 3 games knowing I could outplay the 1/2 players, had 3 really bad sessions based on really bad decisions on my part (so much for outplaying them) and lost $540. Oh boy, now my experiment had gone totally haywrie and had the chance of getting broke. I could never explain that to my friends or my wife how I can beat much higher games but could go broke in 1/2.
Time to re-evaluate. Took a day off to think about the game and plan my game strategy. My only option was one game, ULTRA tight play and weak play after the flop so as to stay away from big pots. GUESS WHAT? I Won!!!

After 6 solid hours of 1/2 play (all at the same table) I built my $200 buyin up to $532 for a $332 win. Now I was only stuck @ $200 which I could live with.
Yesterday, I started early and started with 2 tables (once again outplaying my bankroll which is a disaster certainty long term). I kepy the same strategy with the tight/weak playing style. I played for about 13 hours and eventually worked back up to 3 tables after 7 hours or so. I lost only one large pot all day ($@200 of my money) and ended up the day winning $719 to put the BR at $1511.
Today, only 4 hours @ 2 tables. Same ULTRA tight/Weak strategy. I have become a wimp! Unless I have a huge hand, hehehe! And usually the action for me is on the turn. I want to see a lot of cards.
Today I won $635, most of which was from when I flopped a set of Aces versus a set of 10's in an A/10/5 rainbow flop. I was up about $175 in the game and the guy with the 10's had a ton of money and had me covered. I called his cut off seat, pre-flop raise ($12) from the BB along with 2 other players who had limped for $2. I checked the flop (obviously), one of the other players bet $15, the cutoff raised to $120 (he had been bullying a lot of pots also).
I let the time run down and smooth called as the other player folded. The turn was the 7 of clubs making a 2 flush. I now bet $150 and the cutoff immediately went all in. Gotta love it.
That puts me up big time and by playing like a nit against the hyper aggressive low limit players. Not what I would call optimum winning strategy when playing higher, but it seems to be working here. I am protecting my bankroll from huge swings, trying to stay away from big pots with out the nuts (or semi-nuts) and amazingly BUILDING UP MY RAKEBACK!.
Just from the 1/2 play over the last few days, I earned another $79 in rakeback. If I continue the same pace for this month, I will earn almost $800 in rake back!!!
To get your rakeback at FullTilt, see the rakeback affiliates who are reviewed by me here.

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